How long does each therapy session last?
Each session usually lasts fifty minutes.

How many therapy sessions might I need?
I offer both short-term therapy (this usually means six sessions) and longer-term open-ended therapy.

Will we meet at fixed weekly intervals?
Usually, appointments are scheduled at the same time each week. However, I am able to offer flexibility where clients are unable to commit to a fixed weekly appointment time.

What about confidentiality?
Complete confidentiality is maintained regarding the content of therapy sessions. The only exception to this rule is where a client poses a risk to himself/herself or another person, which could require the intervention of a third party.

Do you charge for missed sessions?
Yes, where less than forty-eight hours notice is given. However, in other instances the matter will be discussed and agreed between client and therapist.

How much do you charge?
The fee charged is on a sliding scale according to ability to pay. The hourly rate starts at £55.00 for fifty minutes. Fees will be discussed and negotiated at the initial meeting.

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